This vlog discuss about Language of English and ASL (American Sign Language.) Watch this and you will understand :). You are welcome to sharing opinion and facts. Thank Y'all! ;-)
Joshua "Vampbat" Womick
1 comment:
Vampbat You asked a good question about why not calling it ESL instead of ASL as in English Sign Language since it would be more closely aligned to our first language English when spoken. Of course, sign language is supposedly our first language. I can suppose that if we change it to ESL from ASL , we can improve our image toward the hearing society and win wider acceptance of our sign language formerly called ASL as in American Sign Language... Can I offer my opinion that you might find as off the wall argument but may be a fair warning from my experience...It probably is best to stick with the old name and keep at it as always... Here is my example from my experience from other comparable issue... Take mobile home industry... dont laugh yet... I am knowledgable in mobile home industry. During 1970's, mobile homes were built so cheaply and got tin sidings and everything until new codes are enacted to make mobile homes more energy efficient by conforming toward tradtional built homes with 2x4 framing and higher pitched roofs and everything which was great. My point here is that the mobile home industry decided to call them manufactured homes. This make confusion much worse as people are more confused about mobile home and manufactured home which are essentially the same from the same industry. People start calling RVs mobile homes to add a few wrinkle which is laughable to me. But the renaming seemed to undo the great strides the mobile home industry had made in qualities of mobile homes that they fatally renamed manufactured homes. You asked an interesting question but I would hesistate to rename ASL as such like ESL or anything else... In short, my answer is just stick with ASL for worse or better. Just forget about Indian history ... We dont have to tell the world about that... Just hush it up, buddy.
Hello everyone! I am Joshua Womick. I come from SOUTH CAROLINA. I graduated at SCSDB (SOUTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND). Vampbat is my nickname. I love art stuff, tattoo freako, and etc! Ask me, if you want know me more. :D or check my myspace more info about me :D :
1 comment:
You asked a good question about why not calling it ESL instead of ASL as in English Sign Language since it would be more closely aligned to our first language English when spoken. Of course, sign language is supposedly our first language. I can suppose that if we change it to ESL from ASL , we can improve our image toward the hearing society and win wider acceptance of our sign language formerly called ASL as in American Sign Language... Can I offer my opinion that you might find as off the wall argument but may be a fair warning from my experience...It probably is best to stick with the old name and keep at it as always... Here is my example from my experience from other comparable issue... Take mobile home industry... dont laugh yet... I am knowledgable in mobile home industry. During 1970's, mobile homes were built so cheaply and got tin sidings and everything until new codes are enacted to make mobile homes more energy efficient by conforming toward tradtional built homes with 2x4 framing and higher pitched roofs and everything which was great. My point here is that the mobile home industry decided to call them manufactured homes. This make confusion much worse as people are more confused about mobile home and manufactured home which are essentially the same from the same industry. People start calling RVs mobile homes to add a few wrinkle which is laughable to me. But the renaming seemed to undo the great strides the mobile home industry had made in qualities of mobile homes that they fatally renamed manufactured homes. You asked an interesting question but I would hesistate to rename ASL as such like ESL or anything else... In short, my answer is just stick with ASL for worse or better. Just forget about Indian history ... We dont have to tell the world about that... Just hush it up, buddy.
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